상품 상세 정보
상품명 M-Flo (엠플로) / Astromantic
제조사 SM
판매가 7,000원
상품코드 P0000ZQG
상품 옵션

1. The 3rd Impact 
2. Miss You / Melody.& 山本領平 
3. Starstruck"the Return Of The Luvbytes″ / Ai &日之內綜美&rum(Heartsdales) 
4. How To Be Astromantic 
5. Vanessa / Bloodest Saxophone 
6. Way U Move / Dragon Ash 
7. Get On! / Crystal Kay 
8. Astrosexy / Chemistry 
9. Listen To Your Heart 
10. The Love Bug / Boa 
11. Life Is Beautiful / Double&toku 
12. I Wanna Be Down / 坂本龍一 
13. Rendezvous 2014 
14. Cosmic Night Run / 野宮眞貴 & Crazy Ken Band 
15. Reeewind! / Crystal Kay 
16. 宇宙のウオウオ / Boy-Ken & Black Bottom Brass Band 
17. Curtain Call